Project Leads The Way
Maple Grove is proud to provide our K-5 students experience with a new STEM program. We are using modules created by
Project Leads The Way. These modules are entire units designed for learning through exploration and discovery in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. In fact, we are building this program with strong connections to our science curriculum, co-taught by a dedicated STEM teacher and the classroom teachers. Along with the standard academic concepts, we place heavy emphasis upon problem-solving and design. But in a really fun way! Take a look at our gallery to catch a glimpse of what our junior engineers are doing!
STEM Program and Robotics Club Photo Gallery
Robotics Club
Maple Grove is home to an exciting competitive robotics club. Each year, twenty students from grades 3-5 participate in teams to design and build robots with a single purpose: to win at tournaments! These tournaments are built around a new challenge game each year that requires two teams to collaborate to navigate and manipulated game elements. The platform we use is VEX IQ, a dedicated high-level robotics system used by teams throughout the world. Please contact
[email protected] for more information.