Things that support healthy family relationships:
- Eat meals together (without devices) and talk about your days.
- Play board games together.
- Visit museums, the zoo, parks.
- Limit screen time (ipads, ipods, tv, wii, video games, phones).
- Know their friends and ask about what is going on with their friends (this can help you gauge what your child is talking about and dealing with at school).
- Enjoy outside interests (but don't over do it). Joining sports, drama, music, chess, or other activities have many benefits, however, over-booked kids can become stressed and unable to manage all the expectations.
- Volunteer somewhere (assisted living, homeless shelters, animal rescues, food banks).
- Play! There is a lot of research now supporting how powerful and important it is to play with our kids and increase their imagination skills. Don't be afraid to get on the ground and play with action figures, make up skits with kids, dress up, or jump on a trampoline together.